Quel est le meilleur canon pour l'Armaguerra ? Analyse complète de canon avec stats, recul et plus !

L'Armaguerra 43 est l'un des meilleurs SMG du jeu. Dans cet article, nous analysons chaque canon afin de comprendre lequel est le meilleur !

The Armaguerra 43 is one of the best SMG in the game right now, and is arguably the absolute meta. Depending on the barrel you choose, you will not experience the same feeling at all. Wether you prefer focusing on time to kill, movement speed or lowest recoil possible, this article will guide you for your barrel selection.

Armaguerra barrel comparison

This analysis is the kind of content that you can expect on a daily basis on my social and especially on Twitter or Instagram.

Imerito 180mm short

This barrel is currently one of the most recommended by the streamers and pro player. The recoil is the most chaotic of all the barrel, but the ADS time is insanely good. Overall, i recommend to use this barrel if you are a very Aggressive players looking for movement and agility.

Perfetto Custom

No reason to use this barrel in my opinion. The time to kill is the worst of them all, recoil and ADS are average. Not much more to say here..

Botti 315mm CII

I see a lot of people using this barrel, probably because this barrel is quite hybrid. Best Time To Kill, but worst recoil of all the barrels. I personally prefer the Imerito Short for aggressive gameplay for the packed recoil and great movement speed.

Imerito 550mm 03P

The easiest barrel to use on the Armaguerra! If you feel like no matter what you do, the Armaguerra is to shaky, then the Imerito 550mm 03P the barrel for you. However it will feel very slow in terms of movement compared to the next one.

Botti 570 Precisione

This barrel is the one that will offer you the most consistent gameplay. The recoil is almost similar as the Imerito 550 but the mobility is almost identical than the Imerito 180mm short. This makes the Botti 570 precisione the best sniper support barrel for the Armaguerra, but also the best barrel to use when looking at something nice to use.

Best Armaguerra 43 Warzone Loadout

Courte Portée

Soutien de sniper

Vitesse de déplacement latéral

Boosteur de recul
Botti 570mm Precisione
Déflecteur Ardoise
Imerito SA Pliable
Poignée avant
Mark VI Squelettique
8mm Kurz 64 cartouches
Poignée Arrière
Poignée en ruban adhésif
Visée Extrême
Type de munitions
À Pointe Creuse
Voir la page
Boosteur de recul
Imerito 550mm 03P
Déflecteur Ardoise
Imerito SA Pliable
Poignée avant
Mark VI Squelettique
9mm 55 cartouches
Poignée Arrière
Poignée rainurée
Visée Extrême
Type de munitions
Voir la page
Boosteur de recul
Imerito 180mm Court
Déflecteur Ardoise
Imerito TA Squelettique
Poignée avant
Compact SG98
9mm 55 cartouches
Poignée Arrière
Poignée rainurée
Visée Extrême
Type de munitions
Voir la page

Crédit : les stats proviennent de sym.gg !

Top 5 Close Range Warzone Meta