Ist die PDSW 528 tatsächlich gut in Warzone? Beste PDSW 528 Warzone Loadout mit Statistiken!

Entfesseln Sie die Macht der PDSW 528 in Warzone 2! Erforsche Statistiken, Konkurrenten und baue zwei vielseitige loadouts für Mobilität im Nahbereich und Scharfschützenunterstützung. Verbessern Sie Ihr Spiel mit diesem versteckten Juwel. Verpassen Sie nicht noch mehr Inhalte rund um die Waffe!

After the nerf of the Fennec, the close-range meta is pretty balanced. Even if the game could use a general increase of close-range time to kill, multiple guns have their strengths and, depending on your playstyle, could be the right one for you. We’ve already seen the Lachmann Sub versus Vaznev in my last video. Still, today we will analyze one of the underdogs, one of these guns that are incredible in Warzone 2 and deserve more popularity. And I’m talking about the PDSW 528 aka the P90.
For a long time, I considered the P90 a weak gun with no genuine interest, but after seeing many prominent creators mention the PDSW 528 as very strong, I decided to dive deep into the stats and build the best loadouts for you.

Competitor Analysis

To answer the question “Is the PDSW good?” we must look at the stats and see how it stacks against the Lachmann Sub and the Vaznev 9k. When you look at the time to kill, we can all agree that the very close-range ttk is not as good as the other two guns. Until up to 10 meters, you’ll have 100 milliseconds more time to kill with the P90 than with the MP5 or the Vaznev. But after 10 meters? Well, the PDSW has nothing to envy the other two! After 10 meters, the P90 is the best of them ttk wise!

But the real strength of the PDSW is not in the time to kill. It is mobility. The movement speed, and especially the strafe speed, is insane compared to the other guns, which are, by the way, built with the close-range loadouts that you can find in my close-range meta video. With the PDSW, you will be zooming around the map, and with this kind of strafe speed, you will even be capable of outgunning enemies using the standard meta loadouts!
So to answer the question, is the PDSW good? The answer is yes! It’s excellent in season 2, with a great time to kill and fantastic mobility compared to the other SMGs!

Close Range PDSW 528 Warzone Loadout

Before going into the loadout, I want to mention that if you enjoy this kind of content focusing on a single gun, subscribe and comment on the video with the gun you want to see next!
So our first loadout for the P90 will focus on mobility and having the best movement speed possible while still having something usable in your hands.

The laser is always the best choice for that. It is improving ADS time and Sprint to fire time with no downside! Then we will add an attachment unique to the PDSW that no other gun has available. I’m talking about the Integrated Rail Reflex. Not only does this attachment give you a red dot optic, but it’s also increasing the overall movement speed of the gun like crazy! However, as very often in Warzone 2, when you increase mobility you also get a worse recoil and I think it’s a pretty balanced way of looking at things! This build is for close range, so recoil is less of a focus. Finally, we are completing the loadout with the Hollow Extended stock, improving mobility with no downside, and the TV Taccomb paired with the Bruen Q900 Grip, once again, with mobility in mind.
So there it is, a super mobile, usable SMG that can compete with the meta guns! Great time to kill overall, with insane mobility and manageable recoil for anything close!

Sniper Support PDSW 528 Warzone Loadout

As you probably noticed in the previous screen, the close-range build is excellent, but if you want something more consistent and usable at mid-range, you want to build it another way. This is where the sniper support loadout comes in. I often get the question, “what is a sniper support loadout” Well, the answer is simple: the loadout is built to reach a target up to 30-40 meters despite having an SMG in your hands. View a sniper support loadout as a more stable and reliable build, but of course, you need to sacrifice the mobility for that a little bit.
So in the sniper support loadout of the PDSW, you will use two attachment slots for mobility and three others for recoil control. We will keep the Integrated rail and the VLK Laser from the close-range loadout for mobility because they are fantastic for this specific purpose.

Then to compensate for the recoil, I recommend using the Bruen Cubic comp muzzle to counter both the vertical and the horizontal recoil. If you struggle with recoil, always look for a compensator and choose the one fighting the correct pattern. If the pattern is mostly vertical like the Lachmann Sub, use the XRK Sandstorm. Use the Lacerta compensator if it’s primarily horizontal bounce like the Fennec. And in the case of the PDSW or the Vaznev for example, the recoil is fairly balanced between horizontal and vertical, so the Bruen Cubic comp is excellent.
Then add the Corvus prorange barrel that transforms your SMG into a small Assault Rifle. Huge recoil benefits, but also damage range and bullet velocity. Of course, for that, you need to sacrifice a good amount of mobility, but it’s OK because we are building a sniper support loadout. End the loadout of the Guard Duty stock, also there to help with the recoil.
So there it is the sniper support loadout of the PDSW. You see something less mobile than before but much more usable and reliable regarding recoil and damage range.

Genannte Waffen

PDSW 528

Top 5 Close Range Warzone Meta