Introducing the TAQ Eradicator LMG: The Future Warzone Meta. Unlock it now!

Unlock the TAQ Eradicator in MW3: Level up & lead the Warzone meta on release!

The TAQ Eradicator is the latest buzz in MW3 multiplayer circles, and it’s not just about its performance on the field. This new LMG has players excited for a good reason — it’s about to make a grand entrance into Warzone on December 6th. And the word on the virtual streets is clear: this gun is not just new; it’s potentially meta-defining. But there’s a twist; while you can unlock the TAQ Eradicator right now in MW3, it’s only playable in the multiplayer mode. The real anticipation is for its Warzone debut, which is just around the corner.

Why Prepare Now?

Preparation is key in any battle, virtual or not. By unlocking the TAQ Eradicator in MW3 multiplayer, you’re not just adding another gun to your collection; you’re getting a head start. Leveling it up now means you’ll be ready to hit the ground running when it drops into Warzone. With its 75-round magazine, minimal recoil, and handling that rivals an AR, you’ll want this weapon fully optimized to dominate the competition.

How to Unlock the TAQ Eradicator

Diving into the weekly challenges in MW3 is your path to unlocking the TAQ Eradicator. By completing 5 of the Week 4 challenges, you’ll earn this LMG and can begin the process of leveling. The sooner you unlock and upgrade it, the better prepared you’ll be for its Warzone debut.

Best Loadout for the TAQ Eradicator

To truly prepare for the TAQ Eradicator’s Warzone introduction, you’ll want to equip it with the best attachments:

  • Muzzle: VT-7 Spiritfire Suppressor
  • Barrel: Conquer-70 Long
  • Optic: MK. 3 Reflector
  • Stock: Tacverte Core
  • Underbarrel: Bruen Heavy Support Grip

This loadout is designed to be versatile, and suitable for a variety of combat scenarios you’ll face in Warzone.

Official Description

The TAQ Eradicator is not just any LMG. It boasts a unique prototype firing system that starts with a high rate of fire before settling into a slower, more precise rhythm. This dual rate of fire makes it adaptable for both aggressive play and controlled bursts, depending on the situation.


With its December 6th Warzone launch date, now is the time to unlock and level up the TAQ Eradicator in MW3 multiplayer. Be the first to master this weapon and get ready to redefine the battlefield. And for the best TAQ Eradicator loadouts for Warzone, remember the Warzone Loadout CODMunity app. With more than a million downloads, it’s the best tool on the market for loadout information, rankings, and more, available for both iOS and Android.

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