Quel est le meilleur Armaguerra 43 Loadout pour Warzone Season 4 ?

Armaguerra 43 is one of the top SMG right now, and is clearly in the meta mix. Quick article to go through the Armaguerra statistics and loadout for season 4!

Armaguerra 43 is one of the top SMG right now, and is clearly in the meta mix. Quick article to go through the Armaguerra statistics and loadout for season 4!

Armaguerra recoil and time to kill: is it a good in Warzone?

Before looking at the loadouts, let’s first deep dive into the statistics to understand how the Armaguerra is positioned against key competitors like the H4 Blixen or the Marco 5.

First, the recoil is super easy to control thanks to a mostly vertical pattern. Even beginners will not have any issue controling the recoil of the Armaguerra 🙂

Then let’s look at the other most important statistic in the game: Time To Kill. Lower it is, faster the gun kills. And for that we see that the TTK is ultra competitive with the rest thanks to a 621ms average time to kill until 7 meters and then 719 until 13 meters. To give you a comparison, the Marco 5 (current absolute meta for Warzone) has a TTK of 586ms up to 9 meters and then 667ms. Armaguerra is then not the absolute meta, but remains clearly ultra competitive!

Best Armaguerra 43 Warzone Loadout

There a multiple Warzone Loadout possible for the Armaguerra, that you can find on the dedicated page! But let’s show here the loadout that is in my opinion the best one for the Armaguerra.

  • Boosteur de recul
  • Botti 570mm Precisione
  • Déflecteur Ardoise
  • Imerito SA Pliable
  • Mark VI Squelettique
  • 9mm 60 cartouches
  • Poignée en ruban adhésif
  • Stabilité
  • À Pointe Creuse
  • Rapide

Top 5 Close Range Warzone Meta