Melhor Warzone Loadout drop: Warzone meta season 4

Melhor Warzone Loadouts para a 4ª temporada! NZ41, KG M40, Bar, Marco 5, H4 Blixen e muito mais!

Call of Duty is on a regular basis shaking the meta thanks to multiple nerfs and buffs. Some of them are destroying completly strong guns, others are not really efficient. In this article, we’ll go one by one through each weapons by categories (Assault Rifles, SMG, LMG, Snipers, Etc.) and give you the best Warzone Loadout and some analysis for Warzone season 4.

Just remember that this website is the best place for you to find the ideal loadout for your needs.

So now let’s dive first into the Assault Rifles, then we will handle the SMG and finally the Snipers and Snipers Support. Note that this article will be a living one, and will be updated on a regular basis with new guns that are worth mentioning.

Tabela de conteúdo:

The best Assault Rifle Warzone Loadouts

After seeing a Bren and STG-44 long range meta, we are now in the middle of what we call the NZ-41 meta. It’s a clear strategy from the devs to favor easy to use guns. In my opinion, easy to use guns should do less damage than harder to use ones.

You can find Warzone Loadouts for ALL Assault Rifles in the game here.

NZ41 Warzone Loadout

For a long time, the NZ41 was not even considered in any meta ranking despite having a strong time to kill. This was mostly due to the super weird recoil pattern it initialy had. However, with season 4, Raven Software dediced to give the NZ-41 a chance by completely changing the recoil pattern to something more usable. And this instantly made it the absolute meta.

Long Range NZ41 Loadouts:

  • Silenciador MX
  • Orbweaver 360 mm BC
  • Mira SVT-40 PU 3-6x
  • Orbweaver E Pack
  • M1930 Strife Angulada
  • Carregadores 50 Projéteis Sakura 6.5 mm
  • Empunhadura Sombreado
  • Primeiras Precisões
  • Alongada
  • Totalmente Carregado

You can also use the Burst barrel, but the overall experience will not be as consistent as this one here.

KG M40 Warzone Loadout

If you don’t want to use the NZ41, then the KG M40 is an excellent alternative. It’s also super easy to use and has everything to be the next meta once the NZ is getting nerfed. Low recoil, great time to kill and a lot of available bullets!

Long Range KG M40 Warzone Loadout:

  • Silenciador MX
  • Reisdorf 720 mm Revestido
  • Mira SVT-40 PU 3-6x
  • VDD 22G Acolchoada
  • M1930 Strife Angulada
  • Tambor de 80 Projéteis 8mm Klauser
  • Empunhadura com Entalhes
  • Primeiras Precisões
  • Alongada
  • Totalmente Carregado

If you wonder why i choose to recommend Grooved Grip, have a look at my full recoil guide analysis for the KG M40 and make sure to subscribe for more analysis like this one.

BAR Warzone Loadout

Alright, this one is my favorite. I love the Bar and i actually believe it would be a very interesting absolute meta if the NZ/KG were to get a nerf. The only downside of the Bar is the fire rate, that makes it quite unforgiving. But if you hit your shots, you’ll fall in love with this assault rifle.

Long Range Bar Warzone Loadout:

  • Silenciador MX
  • CGC 30″ XL
  • Mira SVT-40 PU 3-6x
  • Chariot WR
  • Empunhadura Carver
  • Carregadores 40 Projéteis Kaluser 8 mm
  • Empunhadura de Borracha
  • Concentração
  • Alongada
  • Totalmente Carregado

Once again, have a look at my recoil analysis of the Bar, and why i choose the Carver Foregrip as underbarrel instead of the usual M1930 or M1941.

The best SMG Warzone Loadouts

The close range SMG category is actually pretty balanced for few weeks now. We have in reality 3 guns that could be considered the absolute meta depending on the context and playstyle! Those guns are the Marco 5, H4 Blixen and the Type 100.

What is amazing with the SMG is that you can really tailor them to your needs and playstyle. You can optimize for mobility, recoil control, damage, and many other parameters!

You can find Warzone Loadouts for ALL SMG in the game here.

Marco 5 Warzone Loadout

Marco 5 has been introduced very recently with the season 4 of Vanguard. It was scaring everybody on the community as soon as it was announced that this SMG will have an Akimbo capability. In my opinion, the single gun loadout is way better and consistent, but if you want to have a look at the Akimbo build to have fun, feel free to find it here.

Close Range Marco 5 Warzone Loadout:

  • Reforço de Recuo
  • Perfetto Lesto 355MM
  • Ardosia Refletora
  • Imerito FR
  • M1930 Strife Angulada
  • 8mm Nambu 60 Round Drums
  • Empunhadura com Fita
  • Frenzy
  • Subsônica
  • Rápido

Like for all SMG, if the recoil is manageable for you, you can go for the Mark VI skeletal underbarrel for more mobility or the SG98 Compact for Strafe Speed.

H4 Blixen Warzone Loadout

H4 Blixen is currently one of the community favorite. There is a consistency about this gun that cannot be explained with stats only. You cannot really be disapointed with this gun for close range fights!

Close Range H4 Blixen Warzone Loadout:

  • Reforço de Recuo
  • Bergström 17″ F3
  • Ardosia Refletora
  • Sem Coronha
  • M1930 Strife Angulada
  • Carregador de 54 Projéteis Gorenko 7,62
  • Empunhadura com Fita
  • Estabilidade
  • Ponta oca
  • Rápido

Tipo 100 Warzone Loadout

The Type 100 has everything to be the only absolute meta except the magazine capacity. It’s limited to 36 bullets with the ttk mag and therefore makes this SMG hard to use in trio or quads. But if you play solo/duo, then this is by far the best gun in the game for you.

Close range Type 100 Warzone Loadout:

  • Reforço de Recuo
  • Warubachi 134MM Rapid
  • Ardosia Refletora
  • Warubachi Empunhadura Dobrável
  • M1930 Strife Angulada
  • .30 Russian Short 36 Round Mag
  • Taped gri
  • Acrobática
  • Subsônica
  • Rápido

That’s it for the moment! I will soon add some snipers and some sniper support weapons to complete the meta! Don’t hesitate to share the article if you’ve made it this far.

The best Sniper Warzone Loadouts

Sniper received a huge nerf in the past months, and are now completely off-meta. With a lot of flinch and all light snipers not one shoting anymore at all range, it’s a difficult time for sniper lovers. What’s the point of using a sniper when you can beam someone (or get beamed) with an NZ41 hundreds of meters away without recoil? However, there are in my opinion 3 snipers that are worth mentioning in season 4, if you have a more tactical gameplay: the 3-Line Rifle, the ZRG 20mm and the Gorenko Anti-Tank.

3-Line Rifle Warzone Loadout

The 3-Line has been one of the best sniper from Vanguard since integration. After a recent buffs, it’s now considered as what may be the best sniper in the entire game for Warzone. Master the way this sniper ADS and you will not regret using it.

3-Line Rifle Warzone Loadout:

  • Silenciador Mercury
  • Empress 514 mm F01
  • Mira SVT-40 PU 3-6x
  • ZAC Custom MZ
  • Mark VI Esquelética
  • Carregador 20 Projéteis .30-06
  • Empunhadura de Couro
  • Foco Silencioso
  • Alongada
  • À Disposição

ZRG-20mm Warzone Loadout

The ZRG 20mm is a better version of the HDR. Better ADS time and bullet velocity. However it’s not able to compete anymore with the 3-Line, but is the best option if you want to try something else than a Vanguard gun.

ZRG 20mm Warzone Loadout:

  • Supressor Enrolado
  • 43.9″ Combat Recon
  • Mira Laser de SWAT de 5mW
  • 5 Projéteis
  • Tiras Serpente

Gorenko Anti-Tank Warzone Loadout

This is for the fun part. Gorenko is slow, but is almost hitscan thanks to a crazy bullet velocity. Not the most aggressive sniper, but a refreshing one in my opinion.

Gorenko Anti Tank Warzone Loadout:

  • Silenciador Mercury
  • Empress 420mm
  • Mira SVT-40 PU 3-6x
  • Coronha Reforçada
  • Bipé
  • Carregadores 10 Projéteis 13 mm AM
  • Fita Pontilhada
  • Descartar
  • Munição RM
  • À Disposição

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Top 5 Close Range Warzone Meta