Unlock this new aftermarket part for the WSP Swarm! By far the best Hip Fire loadout in the entire game.

Get 100% hip fire accuracy with the WSP Akimbo Brace Stock in MW3. Find the best builds here!
Unlock this new aftermarket part for the WSP Swarm! By far the best Hip Fire loadout in the entire game.

Unlocking the new Aftermarket Part, specifically the conversion kit for the WSP Swarm in MW3, is a game-changer for close-quarters combat enthusiasts. The WSP Akimbo Brace Stock, in particular, elevates the gameplay experience to new heights, offering unparalleled hip-fire accuracy that players have not seen before in the game.

Unlock this new aftermarket part for the WSP Swarm! By far the best Hip Fire loadout in the entire game.
Unlock this new aftermarket part for the WSP Swarm! By far the best Hip Fire loadout in the entire game.

The Ultimate Hip Fire Option

When you’re in the thick of the action, ADS can cost you precious seconds, making you vulnerable to quicker opponents. The WSP Akimbo Brace Stock eliminates this drawback, allowing you to maintain mobility while delivering precise hip fire shots. It’s particularly useful in close-range maps such as Favela and Skidrow, where tight corners and sudden encounters are common.

Why Unlock the WSP Akimbo Brace Stock?

The WSP Akimbo Brace Stock is a conversion kit that transforms your SMG into a hip-fire powerhouse. With this attachment, your WSP Swarm will have a 100% accuracy rate when firing from the hip, which is unprecedented in MW3. This means you can forego the traditional aim-down-sights (ADS) in favor of a faster, more reactive shooting style that keeps you on the move and less of a stationary target.

How to Unlock the WSP Akimbo Brace Stock

As detailed in the attached image, players need to complete 5 of the weekly challenges from week 3. These challenges range from getting headshots with a recommended weapon to more unique tasks like achieving kills with the gun-butt. By tailoring your playstyle to these challenges, not only will you unlock the WSP Akimbo Brace Stock, but you’ll also hone your skills with the WSP Swarm.

Best Loadout for WSP with the Conversion Kit

To maximize the potential of the WSP with the Akimbo Brace Stock, here’s a loadout that will keep you ahead in Modern Warfare 3 and soon Warzone:

  • Muzzle: S-37C DL Breacher Device S
  • Laser: Hipshot L20
  • Magazine: 100 Round Drum
  • Ammunition: 9mm Overpressured +P
  • Conversion Kit: WSP Akimbo Brace Stock

This loadout is designed to enhance your hip fire capabilities further, with the Hipshot L20 laser improving your hip fire accuracy even more and the 100 Round Drum ensuring you have enough ammo to take on multiple targets. The overpressured ammunition adds that extra punch to each shot, making your WSP not just a hip fire specialist, but also a formidable weapon in any encounter.

In conclusion, the WSP Akimbo Brace Stock is a must-have for any player looking to dominate in MW3’s close-quarters battles. Remember, the key to success in Warzone is not just having the right loadout but mastering it. Good luck out there, operators!

Guns mentioned

WSP Swarm

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