How to view stats for Warzone 2 (Wins)

If you are like me, you want to see your stats for the games that you play, and Warzone even more. Stats are important to see how you improve and where you thrive. Well in Warzone 2.0, there is nowhere to find actual in depth statistics of your games. Also, there are no external tracker able to display Warzone 2 stats for the moment, mostly because the API is not giving any data.

As soon as this data will be available, you'll be able to track your match/lifetime stats directly via our official app! But for the moment, there is only one statistic available and it's the win count.

How to find your number of wins in Warzone 2.0

  • The only way you can do that is to navigate to the calling cards.
  • In the menu, select customize, then calling cards.
  • There, go down and look for the section called "Warzone Wins Mastery".

Issue is, there is currently a bug and only the wins where you waited until the end of the cinematic are tracked. I'm guessing this is only a bug and when they release full stats we'll have the correct number!